Manage files and folders in Google at IU My Drive

On this page:

Find and organize files in Google at IU My Drive

For details on how to create, move, delete, and search for files and folders in Google at IU My Drive, see:

Manage excess Google at IU My Drive data

Google at IU My Drive accounts have a limit of 5 GB of storage. If you are approaching that limit, or have reached or exceeded it, you must move items to an alternative storage solution in order to continue using your Google My Drive account.

To view your total Google at IU usage, go to Be sure you are logged into your Google at IU account, and not a personal Google account. To be sure, you could use a private browser.

You may have orphaned files in your Google My Drive. This can happen when a file's parent folder is deleted but the file is not. To find and manage those files:

  1. Log into Google at IU My Drive via
  2. Select the "Search in Drive" bar.
  3. Search for is:unorganized owner:me to see a list of all orphaned files in your Google My Drive.

Additionally, you may have files in your Google My Drive owned by other users. To review and manage those files:

  1. Log into Google at IU My Drive via
  2. Hover over the toggle icon in the search bar that says "Search options" and select it.
  3. Select the owner drop-down menu and choose Not owned by me.
  4. Make sure to select the location as MY DRIVE. On the lower right, select Search. You will then see a list of all files owned by other users in your Google My Drive.

Following are some ways to reduce the amount of storage space you are using in Google My Drive.

Download files to your computer or external drive

To download files from your Google My Drive to your computer or an external drive connected to your computer:

  1. Make sure your computer or external drive has enough free space.
    • Windows: Open File Explorer and, on the left, select This PC. Under "Devices and drives", the amount of free space is displayed for your computer's hard drive and any external drives connected to your computer.
    • macOS: From the Apple menu, select About This Mac, and then select Storage.
  2. Open your Google My Drive, right-click a folder or file, and then select Download; alternatively, with a file or folder selected, select More actions ('More' or 'Options' menu icon), and then select Download. You will be prompted to select a destination location, and then the selected items will be copied to the destination location.
  3. Confirm that your items are stored correctly in the new location, and then delete the items from your Google My Drive account.
  4. If you have OneDrive set up to synchronize files on your computer, you can download your Google My Drive files to that folder, and they will automatically sync to your OneDrive account.

Use Google Drive for desktop and a OneDrive sync app

For instructions, see Migrate content manually from Google to Microsoft storage.

Use to migrate files to Microsoft OneDrive at IU

For instructions, see Migrate files from Google My Drive to Microsoft OneDrive using Microsoft's

Move files to Microsoft Teams at IU

  1. Decide which team should store your files. If you need to create a team specifically for storing these files, see Create a team.
  2. Download files from Google My Drive to your computer or an external drive (as described above). If your computer or external drive does not have enough free space, you can download your Google My Drive files in stages, and delete them from your computer or external drive after uploading them to Microsoft Teams.
  3. In Microsoft Teams, select the appropriate team and/or channel, and then select Files.
    Whether files should be associated with a team channel or kept in subdirectories within a team's site library depends on the use case; for help determining which location will best suit your needs, see File visibility in Microsoft Teams.
  4. On the Files tab, in the top meu, select Upload (next to New), and then Folder.
  5. Select the folder on your computer or external drive that you want to upload, and then select Upload.
  6. Wait for the upload to complete. When it's finished, the uploaded folder should appear on the Files tab of the chosen team or channel. Check the uploaded folder to make sure all items were uploaded correctly, and then delete the items from your computer or external drive.

Move files to an IU research system

UITS Research Technologies provides multiple options for storing research data; see Available access to allocated and short-term storage capacity on IU's research systems.

For help moving files from Google at IU My Drive to allocated storage on a Research Technologies system, email the UITS Research Storage team (

Common Google storage quota questions

Question Answer
Google My Drive shows you are over quota, but you don't think you should be. If you have no files in Google My Drive but you are still over your storage limit, check for items in Photos and/or Trash and for backups or syncs created by (under the Computers tab) as these all count toward your Google at IU My Drive storage limit. Also, you may have files in your Google My Drive that are owned by other users; see the instructions above for reviewing and managing those files.
After transferring files, an item seems to be missing. The service or location to which you transferred the files may sort items differently than Google My Drive. Alternatively, if you used a drag-and-drop method to move your files, you may have inadvertently dropped a file or folder into a subfolder. Use your computer's search features to search your local file system(s), or use the built-in search features in OneDrive and/or Microsoft Teams to find missing items.
Can my Google at IU My Drive quota be increased or suspended if I need to use Google My Drive for a specific reason or cannot transfer items at this time? Although a quota increase or suspension for an individual Google at IU My Drive account is unlikely to be permitted, contact your campus Support Center for help finding a solution that works for your specific use case.
If I selected the paid option for continuing to store data in Google at IU, can I pay for a larger quota?

Paid storage is available in Google at IU Shared Drives (GSD) only. If you don't already have a GSD you'd like to use as your paid option, complete the form to create one for that purpose. Under "Choose your storage service", select Google Shared Drive and Paid GSD.

If you need to move data from a Google at IU My Drive, be sure to request the ability to move whole folders (not individual files) from Google My Drive via the custom Google at IU Shared Drive Folder Movement Request form. Requests are processed once weekly, on Fridays.

When your GSD is set up, move your Google at IU My Drive files to the location; see Migrate files and folders from Google My Drive to a Google Shared Drive.

This is document bfhr in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-05-17 14:40:54.