Move your IU website to the .org, .net, or .info top-level domain

Websites using non-Indiana University domains (for example, .org , .net, .info) may be hosted on IU servers when the project site is administered or co-administered by an IU unit, but requires its own identity separate from IU. Examples include projects entirely funded by external grants, conference websites, and research projects involving multiple universities.

While websites using IU domains are required to use the proper IU branding assets, the branding requirement does not apply to websites approved for non-IU domains. However, per IU's Americans with Disabilities Act Policy (UA-02), all new university websites, including those that do not use a .edu domain, must meet the Level AA accessibility standards set forth by Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.

Your unit is responsible for acquiring and maintaining the domain through a domain registrar. You should list as a technical contact for your domain, in addition to your departmental email addresses. You should use an IU P-Card for the transaction. For more about P-Cards, see General Card Information. If you have questions, speak with your departmental business office.

If your unit fails to renew its domain in time, an external (non-IU) organization could buy the domain and take control of the content, which could require the university to initiate legal action to reclaim the domain. Units needing to reclaim domains are responsible for all associated costs. To initiate the process, contact IU Licensing and Trademarks.

To move your IU website to the .org, .net, or .info top-level domains, the site owner must first obtain approval from University Communications and Marketing. To request approval, fill out and submit the Domain and virtual host request form. You should receive a response within 48 hours (two business days). If you don't receive a response by then or have an emergency request, call 812-855-5121.

If your request is approved, to complete the move to your site's new URL:

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Last modified on 2024-05-02 12:37:33.